Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today am going to be talking about the different types of staff and will like to start with food poisoning, most people don't believe or know that food poison is caused most times by staff.
FOOD POISONING is poisoning from a substance or microbe in food, it is also illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food.

Food poisoning caused by the staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This is the most common cause of food poisoning. The bacteria can occur in most foods if the food is not handled hygienically and kept at the correct temperature. Symptoms usually start soon after consuming the contaminated food and generally lasts a couple of days. The severity of the symptoms depends on the amount of contaminated food consumed and the health of the patient. Dehydration is a common complication of this condition.

• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Prostration
• Abdominal cramps
• Retching
• Weakness

VOMITING: is emitting stomach contents from the mouth. This is not the same as regurgitation, ( which refers to emitting already swallowed food, and must be distinguished correctly). Vomiting is often related to or preceded by nausea, but both nausea-without-vomiting and vomiting-without-nausea are possible. Any nausea or vomiting symptom needs prompt professional medical investigation.

DIARRHEA: is a very common symptom. Everyone is familiar with a sudden bout of acute diarrhea. Although many people assume sudden diarrhea is "something you ate" (i.e. food poisoning), it is commonly caused by infectious diarrhea (usually a gastrointestinal virus) and also parasitic conditions such as giardia or crypto.
There are also many other possible causes of diarrhea. Surprisingly, even constipation or fecal impaction can cause diarrhea or fecal incontinence, as only watery feces passes around the blockage. Diarrhea can indicate a serious condition and can itself be potentially serious if it leads to dehydration. Always seek prompt professional medical advice about any diarrhea or related symptoms.
Chronic diarrhea refers in medical terms to repeated bouts of diarrhea over a prolonged period, rather than the common usage of "chronic diarrhea" to mean severe diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea is a symptom that can also indicate several serious medical conditions.
It is important to distinguish true "diarrhea" (various degrees of softness of stool) from fecal incontinence, which is an inability to control or prevent bowel motions. Some people will say "diarrhea" when they are really talking about fecal incontinence. In many cases of acute diarrhea, diarrhea will cause (temporary) fecal incontinence, but sometimes they are entirely different issues.

PROSTRATION: Extreme exhaustion and fatigue

ABDOMINAL CRAMPS: Painful muscular contractions occurring in the abdomen.

RETCHING: The act of trying to vomit without the expulsion of vomitus.

WEAKNESS: Weakness is an imprecise medical symptom. Weakness may refer to muscular weakness of a body area or entire body weakness. General weakness may also be caused by fatigue, drowsiness, prostration, syncope (fainting), or malaise. For inability to move a body part, weakness related to exercise or exertion, Weakness may also occur due to numbness or paresthesias in the affected area. Any type of weakness is a serious symptom requiring prompt professional medical advice.

By tommorow, I shall give hints on other types of Staff. pls feel free to ask any question, that's why this blog is here.


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